
PC Browser Mini DayZ

Mini DayZ

Mods support added

Progress saving works!

Thanks W84Soft for that.
Click Save and Exit and wait until you will be back to the main menu.

Play in Browser

Plans for the future:

  1. Restore c2runtime.js and data.js to original source code
  2. Add mods support without changing original files
    • Mod selection from list
  3. Add server response simulator as mod
  4. Add working in-game map mod
  5. Creating helpers for better game control and easier creation of mods

Known issues:

Achievements and stats are not updated after death

Reload the page

Game saving/mods/other recently added features don’t work

  1. Open the game
  2. If you want to preserve your save
    2.1. Enable the Save exporter & importer mod
    2.2. Export your save
  3. Open site information (top left corner near the url)
  4. Go to Site settings
  5. Click Delete data
  6. Reload the game and import your save


If you want to create your own mod, add javascript file to mods/ folder. Now you must to add install function which must be exported.

Below is an example mod for listening to buttons that open links


export function install(){
	const;, target, windowFeatures){

Now you need to modify mods.json, add your new mod to list:


		// Other mods:
		// Your mod:
			"name":"Example mod",
			"description":"Example description",

Testing mods

Now you can start the server, e.g. via NodeJS http-server and run the game: Browser Mini DayZ mods selector